Read up on the iCal / vCal formats - they're attempted / de-facto
standards for transfer of calendar data between applications, and they
handle repeating events in a fairly straightforward manner. Last year I
had to completely re-write a massive international calendar app from
scratch, and the iCal / vCal formats were a very helpful starting point


From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 August 2004 15:05
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Calendar data structure

I'm looking for some advice on what sort of structure I should use for
making a calendar app.  My main question is about storing the dates.  To
accommodate multi-day events, is it better to do a startDate column and
an endDate column or is it better to do a single eventDate column and
insert multiple events multiple times?  I will need to output this data
as "today's events", "this week's events", and a monthly calendar view.
Along the same lines, any suggestions for a CFC or custom tag that can
organize into a calendar view (or tips for writing my own) would be
helpful.  Thanks to all in advance.

John Burns

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