I just had a problem with this... Not sure if you are seeing the same

I used CF's numberformat to round to two decimal places.  All worked find
until a 4 digit hit it. Numberformat sticks in ',' in as in 1,000 and then
this is a srting and not a number.


Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
  www.vividmedia.com <http://www.vividmedia.com/>


From: Christy Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: something different about numbers over 1000?

I have a CF web app with an Access backend, and it allows users to search
for documents related to specific properties and download them.

The document PDFs are located in folders named for the assigned ID for the

When the user searches for a property that happens to have an assigned ID
less than 1000 (but the user has no idea what the ID is), they have no
trouble downloading the associated documents.  BUT if the ID is 1000 or
greater, they get a "page not found" error when trying to download the

I've tried numerous examples and 1000 seems to be the cutoff point -
anything with an ID that is 4 digits or more just won't download.

Is there something in ColdFusion - a data type or something - that changes
once 4 digits are reached?  I know I'm reaching for answers, but I'm so
perplexed by this!

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