I posted this yesterday and got no response. I'm about all out of ideas to
get this to work, any suggestions?


I have a number of websites hosted on IIS with CFMX 6.1. All of them work
fine except for one. When I try to browse to a cfm file, CF returns a file
not found error. The file does exist, for sure. If I open an html file via
the same site, it works fine, so the site is pointing to the correct directory.

Two of the sites on IIS have the same cfm filenames (the site is
essentially a duplicate of the other site) but are in separate parent
directories. I have disabled the cacheRealPath attribute in Jrun.xml but
that does not help.

I also reran the connector scripts yesterday, and the site in question is
pointing to its own unique wsconfig directory.

Also, this site WAS working and then it stopped working and started serving
up this file not found error. Anybody seen anything similar?

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