probably java

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Michael Kear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sun, 15 Aug 2004 12:03:31 +1000

>Now that the Olympics are under way, I've been looking at the web site at
> and it's pretty impressive.   Does anyone know
>anything about what sort of beast powers it?   Anything about how it's made
>I know they've got huge sums of sponsors' money to spend on it, and all the
>input for scores comes from laptops at the venues, input by the officials
>and made available to other officials, media and the web site.  The input
>for details of the athletes etc comes from their home country Olympic
>Committees through their own local clubs I guess,  but for such a huge site,
>with such huge traffic, there must be a really big donk driving it.   The
>site itself is pretty quiet about how it's built,  but does anyone know
>anything about it?   Or know where there's a description of how it's built?
>I see that they've learned from the fiasco over the Sydney2000 site, where a
>disabled user sued the Sydney2000 Organising Committee  just before the
>games started because he couldn't easily access the site using his screen
>reader, and they had to scramble with only a few weeks to go and recode the
>site.  This site is not perfect in accessible terms, but its  a light-year
>ahead of the Sydney2000 one.    For example, all font sizes on this site are
>relative so users can use their own preferences to set character size.
>(Ctrl-wheel for windows users)
>Anyway it's a matter of curiosity and interest rather than professional
>need.  But I'd love to know more about what's under the hood of this site.
>Anyone know?
>Mike Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>AFP Webworks
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