Two ways, three ways actually:

CFEXECUTE - Under CF 4.5
CFHTTP (set up the perl script as a CGI)
CF_Perl, a custom tag I wrote, that allows you to embed the code directly in
the file (but it uses CFEXECUTE as well)

Raymond Camden, Cold Fusion Jedi Master for Syntegra (
Allaire Certified Instructor and Member of Team Allaire

ICQ UIN : 3679482

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 7:49 AM
> Subject: Calling CF template from perl?
> Hi, through a combination of circumstances beyond our control we have
> inherited a Perl script which we need to get running on an NT system. The
> part thats giving us problems is mailing from the script as we
> can't use an
> SMTP server or install any additional software on the NT box
> (don't ask why,
> if we could do it Blat would be on that machine as we speak).
> We do have access to CF 4.0 on the server though, so we were
> wondering - can
> we send the email data from the perl script to a CF template
> which would do
> the mailing? The script is set up with a mailing subroutine which
> is passed
> four variables - To, From, Subject and Message, all messages will be
> pre-defined and fairly short in length.
> Anyone have any ideas on this? We have a very basic level of Perl
> experience
> so if any answers can not assume we know what we are doing it may
> save time
> ;)
> Wayne Putterill
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