One solution I've used before in vaguely similar situations is to
replace the / character with a placeholder, do the nice clean reg ex,
then put the slashes back:

myString = replace( myString, "/", "PLACEHOLDER", "ALL" );

myString = REReplace( myString, "[[:punct:]]", "", "ALL" );

myString = Replace( myString, "PLACEHOLDER", "/" );

but :

-          it's going to be slower than doing it all in one regex

-          you have to choose a placeholder that's never going to appear
in your input string (I use something like "donkeyshiftingpignudger", or
other such blather)

-          it "feels" like a nasty kludge

so I only use it when I have to (i.e. when I just don't have time to get
the all-in-one reg ex working)
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