
Is there any documentation that goes along with the files to be downloaded
from the OpenXCF site at SourceForge?  My interest is in the javacfx.jar.

Jason L. West, Sr.
WezBiz Technologies
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 14:59
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: exporting to csv or excel spreadsheet

Using the CFX_ExcelQuery tag at OpenXCF allows you to read and write real
XLS files.


> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of cf coder
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 12:32 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: exporting to csv or excel spreadsheet
> Hello everybody,
> I've written this code that exports the search results to a csv file. Here
> is the code:
> <CFFILE ACTION=""> >    FILE="searchResults.csv"
>     ADDNEWLINE="Yes"
>     OUTPUT="Date, Ref, Name #Chr(10)##Chr(10)#">
> <CFSET QUOTE = Chr(127)>
> <cfoutput query="qSearch">
> <CFSET log_string = QUOTE & LogTime & QUOTE & ","
> & QUOTE & Reference & QUOTE & ","
> & QUOTE & FirstName & QUOTE>
> <CFFILE ACTION=""> > FILE="searchResults.csv"
> OUTPUT="#log_string#">
> </cfoutput>
> <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Type" VALUE="application/unknown">
> <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline;
> filename=searchResults.csv">
> <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/msexcel" FILE="searchResults.csv"
> deletefile="Yes">
> I was wondering if its possible that when the display the header
> information (Date, Ref, Name)
> with some background colour formatting to the text.
> So for example when the above code is executed, the .csv file opens up
> with 3 columns:
> Date     Ref Name
> 20/08/2004  T123345 Joe Bloggs
> Can I specify something in the code to for example make the header text
> colour to blue. If yes,
> can someone please show me the code or give me some tips.
> Best regards
> cfcoder
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