When I try to go to the admin page on our development server
(http://development.ourdomain.com/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm), I'm seeing
nothing but gobbeldygook (first line sample: Allaire Cold Fusion Template
Header Size: New Version£çò~Áð¬Õh/ÔÜý¥Æhqؤä8X°É¿Ìò©?P^qv ßNÊÒ?ùFÍû'ÉÊ

However, the service is running, and sites on the server are working
correctly (http://development.ourdomain.com/testingsite1/ works for
instance). Even when I walk over to the machine and try locally
(http://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm) it gives me a 404.

I've restarted the CF service and even rebooted the entire server....where
to look now?
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