oops.. I meant CFLDAP... my bad ;)

Mike Soultanian wrote:

> Does *anyone* have anyone have any ideas what's up with CFQUERY?
> I was hoping that someone might have some insight on this problem. I
> think I need to either figure out how to stop the weird behavior, or
> explain it to my LDAP admin that it's normal.
> Here's the LDAP query I'm trying to perform:
> <cfldap action=""> > name="qCheckUsername"
> server="#ldapserver#"
> port="389"
> attributes="uid"
> maxrows="100"
> start="cn=People,ou=school,dc=edu"
> scope="subtree"
> filter="(uid=#someuid#)"
> username="uid=#myuserid#,cn=people,ou=school,dc=edu"
> password="#mypassword#">
> The problem that I'm having is instead of ColdFusion only asking for the
> UID in the LDAP query, it is also asking for a bunch of other stuff.
> Take a look at what iPlanet shows in the logs:
> attrs="uid objectClass javaSerializedData javaClassName javaFactory
> javaCodebase javaReferenceAddress javaClassNames javaremotelocation"
> Any idea why is ColdFusion asking for all of those extra attributes?
> Know what they are? If there's a way to stop CFLDAP from asking for all
> those extra attributes, that'd be great; I really only need the uid. My
> LDAP admin is extremely tight and does not want to give access to those
> objects so unfortunately I can't get any info at all!
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Mike
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