sorry, just found original thread before it was renamed - i see my
suggestion was offered before,


On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:37:09 -0400, Jeff Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > you didn't by any chance FTP the administrator pages to the server did
> > you? I've seen this before where customtags i've bought have just
> > returned garbage when called - turns out they need to be FTP'ed in BIN
> > mode and not ASCII
> No! See? That's what I mean! We haven't done *anything* to these pages (that
> I'm *seriously* aware of...)
> I've even RE-RUN the CFMX updater thinking that maybe it'll just overwrite
> pages that are "corrupted" but no-go.
> I even ran the WSCONFIG.EXE again...
> I've rebooted ColdFusion services, I rebooted IIS, I've even rebooted the
> ENTIRE MACHINE. Still nothing...
> I repeat...we have NOT ftp'ed the administrator pages *anyplace*...
> Any ideas?
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