> hey Issac..
> yeah I started using your code to generate the JS Array..
> var taskArray = new Array();
> <cfoutput>
> <cfloop index="x" from="1"
>  to="#alltasks.recordcount#">
>  taskArray[#x-1#] = new Array(
>        '#jsstringformat(alltasks.task)#',
>        '#jsstringformat(alltasks.c_taskid)#',
>        '#jsstringformat(alltasks.c_activityid)#');
> </cfloop>
> </cfoutput>

> but when implementing it..
> for(i=0;i<taskArray.length;i++){
>   for(j=0;j<2;j++) {
>      if (taskArray[i][2] == actid)
>       document.forms['laforma'].c_taskid.options[i] = new
> Option(taskArray[i][j], taskArray[i][j+1]);
>   }
> }

> which to me seems like it should work..
> But it isnt

See my last reply for the code-bit -- your j loop is an extra -- once
you remove that I think you should be okay.

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117

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