Brian Meloche wrote:

> At the office, we've run into a bit of a snag with a script that a
> consultant did for us that authenticates from the URL of a referring
> page hosted on a third party site to auto-generate single signon
> authentication, so that an account from their site is automatically
> generates an account on our system and doesn't require the user to
> sign into our system.  This feature is a requirement to our
> application by the third party (our client).
> In this case, the consultant's code tries to authenticate from
> cgi.http_referer.  The problem we're getting is that we're not getting
> back a value.
> I have looked around the web, on this list and elsewhere, and know
> that this is a potential problem both with firewalls and certain
> browsers, but I haven't been able to find an alternative.  We NEED an
> alternative, and we need it ASAP.

HTTP Digest Authentication can be set up to authenticate for
multiple domains / servers, see RFC 2617.

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