
The problem is that your loop index (memberID) is changing, but nothing
about the query is.  You are repeatedly referring to getRecords.memberID,
which, without a CFOUTPUT or CFLOOP tag, will always just give you the first
record.  In fact, I am surprised that you are doing anything other than
updating one record 3500 times, since getRecords.memberID will always pull
memberID from the first row of getRecords.

Two options for solving this.

1) Loop over the query:

<CFOUTPUT query="getRecords">
    <CFQUERY name="updateRecords"...>
        UPDATE    #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
        SET       directoryPhone = #Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone, "-",
        WHERE     memberID = #getRecords.memberID#


2) Keep your loop the same, but use array notation to get at the different
rows in the query:

<cfloop index="memberID" from="1" to="#getRecords.recordcount#">
    <cfquery name="updateRecords" datasource="#REQUEST.dsnSQL#"
username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
        UPDATE  #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
        SET     directoryPhone =
#Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone[memberID], "-", "", "ALL")#
        WHERE   memberID = #getRecords.memberID[memberID]#

If you do option 2, I would change your index to something like "i" to avoid


<!--- Get a count of the records prior to insertion --->
<cfquery name="getRecords"  datasource="#REQUEST.dsnSQL#"
username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
SELECT memberID, directoryPhone   
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_ListBU1

Query Recordcount = <cfoutput>#getRecords.recordcount#</cfoutput><br />

Processing ...

<cfloop index="memberID" from="1" to="#getRecords.recordcount#">
<cfquery name="updateRecords" datasource="#REQUEST.dsnSQL#"
username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
UPDATE #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET directoryPhone = #Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone, "-", "",
WHERE memberID = #getRecords.memberID#

Process Complete.
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