hi joe,

i'm just guessing, but maybe MX reads the datasources at the begin of every request, so that it does not know your datasource you just created.
maybe if you use cflocation you would have more luck ...

cheers gert
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: joe velez
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:17 AM
  Subject: cfquery error on new database

  ok .. strange scenario. i have a script that is creating a mysql database on the fly. no login/password is required.

  i create the tables.

  i create a dsn on the fly as well.

  once the db is created i try to run a quick query on it but receive an error like:

  General error: Unknown database 'MYDATABASENAME'

  but, if i run the script w/o the query at the end, and create a link to another page that runs the same query i omitted it works fine.

  is there a time limit on how long i need to wait between creating a datbase and accessing it? i even tried to run a loop 1 through 10000 between the steps, but no luck.

  any suggestions?


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