The Fusebox conference is in a couple of weeks in Maryland. That
would be the best place to get info about Fusebox.
There may be other frameworks out there with some clever concepts,
but everyone that I know that has ever given Fusebox a decent shot, has
always loved it. Usually the detractors I see on these lists are the ones
that either didn't bother to learn it or couldn't grasp it. I was lucky in
that after my first web project in 1999 I think, I decided to look around
for some methodology/standard to work with. Fusebox was just starting out
and seemed interesting did everything I needed. I was able to adopt FB
before I came up with too many clever ways of doing things myself that FB
would replace. I think that's why some folks have such a hard time working
in a framework, which is understandable from a human nature standpoint. But
from a business standpoint it bothers me when a developer isn't flexible
enough to work in Fusebox. Having a framework/methodology is an important
business decision, and if a developer isn't willing to play by the rules, I
want no part of them.
Come to the conference and check it out. $200 is well worth it. And
the classes on Thursday and Friday are a great opportunity to get up to
speed quickly.
Oh and the Code Rutters FB4 book is very good. You can get started
just from that, but if I were in your position I'd jump in the Intro to FB
class on Thursday and attend the conference. I'd love to see a "case-study"
of the project if you do decide to do it with Fusebox. You might think about
documenting some of it for next year's conference!


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 6:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Fusebox

Hi Everyone.

We are just about to start a major new project, well actually a
complete upgrade from the ground up of an old project, but I have been
looking at doing it in a much more structured way and I wanted some
opinion about using Fusebox. We have never used it before, but we are
all highly experienced CF programmers (5+ years). What I'm really
looking for is some explaining of why it is better to use the Fusebox
method than just straight forward CF.

Also, can anyone point me in the direction of a good online
introduction to Fusebox as there doesn't seem to be much on the
Fusebox website.


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