
Perhaps I am not understanding correctly, but it sounds like a query within
which you group the results is the way to go.

You can handle the grouping in a couple of different ways.  I would start by
reading the help on the CFOUTPUT tag, looking at the group parameter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wurst, Keith D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 3:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cfloop / cfquery and displaying results

hi everyone. i have a question concerning cfloop, cfquery and how to display
information most effectively on a page. here is the situation. i have two
queries. the first query gets all my main topics. the second query gets all
my sub topics. my where clause in my second query uses an IN statement and
utilizes the valuelist of the results of the first query. in the past what i
have done is just performed the first query, and then placed the second
query within a cfloop of the results of the first one to display all the sub
topics. this time around i want to build a result set on the fly without
having to put the second query within my cfloop tag. any suggestions are
greatly appreciated. thanks so much.
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