We actually looked into that as a way to embed ASP.NET controls in a CFML
page--in fact, I gave a demo of some of our early efforts at CFUN-04. It
turns out that what appears conceptually easy at the beginning is really
very hard. In order to support the viewstate, postback, and event-driven
environment that an ASP.NET control expects, you pretty much have to
duplicate the full functionality of an ASP.NET, which is no minor task.

So instead of embedding ASP.NET controls in CFML pages, we asked, "What if
we could embed CFML code in ASP.NET pages?" Then we could mix CFML and
ASP.NET controls and get the best of both worlds--pretty much the same
effect we were looking for. Well, it turns out that we *can* do this (with
BlueDragon.NET), and it's very cool.

Look for more info when we release the BlueDragon 6.2 beta (including
BlueDragon.NET) later this month.

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC


From: Nathan Strutz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Calling a .Net control from ColdFusion

This is actually close to something I was throwing around...

I was thinking, what if I had a tag library and use cfimport, and
it the <asp: prefix. It would be pretty easy to re-create most of
web form controls through a custom tag library. We could have the
interesting control-style asp syntax right there in CF.

Of course there are obviously forseeable problems, like
doesn't work in the procedural CF language. bah. Anyway, just a

Not that I have enough time to implement it, but it would be cool.

-nathan strutz

Vince Bonfanti wrote:

> Hi Josen,
> We might have another solution for you. What if you could use CFML
> directly in ASP.NET pages? Put another way, what if you could turn
any CFML
> page into an ASP.NET page simply by changing the ".cfm" extension
> ".aspx"?
> Then you could mix .NET controls and CFML code in the same page,
which is
> what I think you really want, the only difference is they'd have
the ".aspx"
> extension instead of ".cfm".
> Is this something you'd be interested in?
> Vince Bonfanti
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