Well I have made some progress with this I am using <cfset locale = SETLOCALE("French (Canadian)")> and lscurrencyformat

Now the strange thing is when I view the html results everything looks fine for numbers under 1000
For example if I have a value 498,13$ when I export it to excel if display as a numeric value but if the number was higher let say add 1k to it.  It would display as 1 498,13$ with a space for every thousand separator now when I export this to excel all the values that or greater than 999,99$ or (999,99$) download a character instead of the space and get formatted as text in excel as opposed to numbers.

Any Ideas on how I can fix this?


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Mickael
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 10:02 AM
  Subject: Problems with Excelsheet in French from Coldfusion


  I am having an issue with an excel spreadsheet that I make with Coldfusion.  The issue is with the dollar values in the sheet.  When viewed with an English machine the values show up as currency in Excel which is good.  But when viewed with a French Canadian machine the dollar values come out as text.  This is preventing the users from adding any forumulas to the spread sheet or treating the values as a currency.

  Any Ideas on how I can correct this?

  Thanks in advance

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