>Try taking this a step at a time.  First get some SQL qith the data
>you want, then put it in CF with a CFDUMP, then workout the pretty
>output of the data.  Working on a few assumptions here perhaps, but
>take a stab at this
>SELECT r.*, a.*, p.*
>FROM fsnep_pollResults r, fsnep_pollAnswers a , fsnep_polls p
>WHERE p.p_id = r.pv_poll_id
>  AND p.p_id = a.pA_pollid
>  AND p.p_id = '#url.poll#'

Well, I believe that worked.  When I query the fsnep_pollResults table for anything that has the poll id then I get 8 records.  When I do it the way that you listed, I get 40 records with repeating values.  I don't think that this is right because each set has the same 8 values, but am not sure.
[#pV_id#] #pA_answer#
[1]0 - 1
[2]0 - 1
[17]0 - 1
[20]0 - 1
[21]0 - 1
[19]0 - 1
[18]0 - 1
[22]0 - 1

Also, I don't really understand the query.
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