I'm working on a project and one of the requirments is the ability to
create their own tests and then generate those tests, score them and
generate results.
I have a table for the questions and total possible points but how the
heck do I make it so they can create their own tests and then get
Say for example I have the possible questions table..
question_id     question                                         
1                    is the product easy to navigate          5
2                    are the menus descriptive                 5
3                    calls went through                            1
(yes or no=0)
4                    calls received                                  1
5                    messages went through                   1
6                    messages received                          1
7                    application downloaded                    1
8                   icons, images are clear                     5
9                   appropriate terminology                     5
10                  Handset is confortable                      5

how would I create a test that would only display questions with the
id of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10? and only count those as possible.
This test created would need to be saved for future tests and future
modifications (ie maybe day 1 only questions 1-10 are answered and day
2 11-20) and scored multiple times.

Any ideas on this?
possibly a table with a comma delimited column for question_id's and
one for scores?
test_id                  questions          scores
1                          2,4,6,8,10          3,0,1,4,3

any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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