>Im trapping a few errors per day which means probably 1-1000 users (or
>more) is experiencing this problem, and not sure what could be causing it.

AAARGH!  That foul beast dares rear its head again!?!!  (read with pirate
voice and one eye squinted shut)

I had/have this exact same problem.  The site I work on has two sides: one
that I manage, using CF, and the other that someone else manages, using any
number of technologies, including Lotus Notes.  The sign-in/registration
system that I designed runs over the entire site, so the two sides have to
play nice together.  Because the other side doesn't use CF, I had to do some
trickery.  This trickery involves (among other things) _javascript_ code that
sits on that other side, and which bounces users who aren't signed in over
to my side.  Of course, in doing this, I want to be sure that I can route
users to their desired location after the sign-in.  To do this, I place
their desired URL into a URL variable.  Here's where things fall apart.  I
can't remember exactly which part causes the error, but the idea is that
some bit of it all (the browser, the _javascript_ code, something) converts
those nice & characters to their HTML equivalents (&) and all hell
breaks loose.  As I remember it, the problem was even more complicated in
that even if I got it through the first step, it might get fouled up at the
second step (when I send the user back).  

Bottom line (ugly bottom line): my solution was to stop trusting the various
bits that were converting the ampersand character into its equivalent and
back.  At the very start of the process, I replace all ampersands with the
lovely string QQQampQQQ.  At the very end of the process, I reverse the
process, replacing QQQampQQQ with ampersands, and redirect to that address.

I readily admit that there must be a better way.  That said, I caution you
against spending too much time finding it.  As I remember it, the reason I
went this way was that--while I could get it to work in one scenario--the
various possible cases got rapidly complicated, and it was much easier to
convert the string immediately into something that would be preserved
regardless of which automatic conversion it was going through.

All that said, can I help you at all?  I would make sure I know the process
from end to end: where does the URL begin its life as a variable, and where
does it end that life.  If you can't figure out an easy way to fix it, do
the ugly trick above.

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