I've never had any problems before, but recently I started getting the following error using the authorize_net_3 custom tag.  I am just trying to work out if my server (CF 5) is having a general problem with CFHTTP or if authorize.net made a change, or something like that.  The error that's been popping up is:

An error occurred while evaluating the _expression_:

product.response_subcode = ListGetAt(cfhttp.fileContent, '2')

Error near line 144, column 8.

In function ListGetAt(list, index [, delimiters]) the value of index, which is 2, is not a valid index for the list given as a the first argument (this list has 1 elements). Valid indexes are in the range 1 through the number of elements in the list

Caught an exception, type = _expression_

Thank you.

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