> I am looking at using CFX_PDF to generate the output for my
> prescription
> application as I can use it to accurately place text element on the
> page,
> and generate new pages etc based on <cfif> statements. Is there any
> other
> way ?? I have considered using a Crystal Reports file, but then I need
> to
> install CR on my Coldfusion server.

> Just looking for ideas for something to generate print output from a
> web
> page. Thanks

You could use HTMLDoc to generate a PDF via a custom tag like Michael Schieber's cf_html2pdf3 or Jordan Michael's cf_CreatePDF. Then you just have to encapsulate your output between the opening and closing pdf generator tags. For example with cf_html2pdf,

<CF_HTML2PDF3 myHTMLDOC="c:\cfusion\htmldoc.exe" OPTIONS="--landscape --fontsize 10pt">
//--- Output the results of your query ---//

and with cf_createPDF:
<!-- content you want converted to PDF -->

Larry C. Lyons
Web Analyst
BEI Resources
American Type Culture Collection
email: llyons(at)atcc(dot)org
tel: 703.365.2700.2678
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