I never thought of running separate SQL statements VS the inlin. I'm not
sure if that would be faster or not.  I may mock up a quick test of that.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Mambo SQL query help.... Please

Not really, unless you did stored procedures or something.  I guess you
could also use a view for each type of data you want to look up.  I'm not
really sure what that would do for you performance-wise but it may help
organize things some.  I think that you're going to take a while because of
all the data you're checking against and all of the queries you're doing.  I
don't really know that there is a way around it besides caching.
<cfqueryparam> should improve performance some without having to go to a
stored procedure.

Out of curiosity, have you tried making each query separate?  Maybe that
would help by eliminating the subqueries?  I'm not a SQL guru so that could
be dead wrong, but it may be worth a try.  At least that way, you could use
CF to cache some of the queries and then if someone changes the search
criteria, only the query with new criteria will need to access the database.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 4:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Mambo SQL query help.... Please

John, I thought about that and also just caching the results, but that will
not work in my case. I fear that I did not explain this very well.
This is a dynamic query that can get the results for a different years,
different ages and different school districts. The user can pick several
items from several pull down list in a form.

Any other ideas?


Mark W. Breneman

Here is the full CFquery tag:

        <cfquery name="getData" datasource="#database#">
                SELECT  count(*) as totalRecords,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q1R1,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND ONE_INVITED = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q1R1Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND ONE_INVITED = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q1R1No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q1R2,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND ONE_INVITED = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q1R2Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND ONE_INVITED = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q1R2No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q2R1,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND TWO_ATTEND = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q2R1Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND TWO_ATTEND = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q2R1No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q2R2,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND TWO_ATTEND = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q2R2Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND TWO_ATTEND = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q2R2No,

                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q3R1,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND THREE_STEPS = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q3R1Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND THREE_STEPS = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q3R1No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q3R2,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND THREE_STEPS = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q3R2Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND THREE_STEPS = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q3R2No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R1,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND FOUR_INVOLVE = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R1Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND FOUR_INVOLVE = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R1No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND FOUR_INVOLVE = 'na'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R1NA,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R2,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND FOUR_INVOLVE = 'yes'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R2Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND FOUR_INVOLVE = 'no'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R2No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND FOUR_INVOLVE = 'na'
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q4R2NA
                <!--- NA --->
                <cfloop index="i"
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND #i# = 'yes'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND #i#  = 'no'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND #i#  = 'na'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1NA,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND #i#  = 'yes'      <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND #i#  = 'no'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND #i#  = 'na'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2NA
                                <!--- Yes no --->
                                <cfloop index="i"
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND #i# = 'yes'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 1 AND #i# = 'no'                <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R1No,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2
<cfif form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear =
#form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is not "all">AND
cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND #i# = 'yes'               <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2Yes,
                                                (SELECT count(*) FROM
CheckListData WHERE review_no = 2 AND #i# = 'no'                <cfif
form.schoolyear is not "all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif
form.cesadivision is not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#
#PreserveSingleQuotes(districtSQL)#) as tot_Q#i#R2No
                FROM            CheckListData
                WHERE           recordid <> 0 <cfif form.schoolyear is
"all">AND schoolyear = #form.schoolyear#</cfif><cfif form.cesadivision is
not "all">AND cesadivision = #form.cesadivision#</cfif>
#PreserveSingleQuotes(disabilitySQL)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(ageSQL)#

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

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