> I am using non-persistant session cookies for session management, not 
> persistant cookies.

Actually, in terms of the issue you are having, it wouldn't really matter. Even 
if you use client variables in the database, Cold Fusion still uses the CFID 
and CFTOKEN to identify the client. So they either need cookies on or you need 
to pass it over the variable.

> A few members installed XPSP2 and it apparently disables all cookies, 
> persistant ant not, so that can login but the session cookie fails to 
> be set, and they get punted back to the login. Some members had no 
> problem setting the browser accordingly, but others would find it 
> easier to build a roller-coaster. So, I just need an easy way (short 
> of rewriting all my links/forms) to append the CFID and CFTOKEN.

Well, afraid I don't know any way to do this through the application. I always 
build that kind of function into the application, because I've had lots of 
issues with various browsers or users having problems with losing sessions even 
with cookies turned on. What I do is set a variable in the application either 
blank or with the session token and then use that variable on all the links. 
Yeah, it's a bit of a pain to do, but becomes habit after awhile. You can find 
the links in your site fairly easily with a regular expresssion search, which 
will at least save you a bit of time. 

Interestingly enough, I had installed SP2 and then had to take it off for other 
issues. But recently I've been having major issues with my application losing 
the session whenever a new window is opened (or a JS location script runs). 
Only happens in IE and enabling all cookies does not seem to help. It's really 
driving me nuts! 

Mary Jo

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