> Silence the dissenters. Hitler practiced that concept well!

Yes, well I can certainly see your point with that analogy. Presumably,
after the putsch, those who disagree with Team Macromedia will be rounded up
for extermination, whether they use .NET or simply want CF to be better. I'm
sure this was covered at MAX.

> Silencing unhappy CF'ers who are having to diversify due to 
> the lack of CF jobs, and are willing to subject themselves to 
> ridicule by their peers, is NOT a good thing.

Obviously, you haven't been silenced. However, you open yourself to ridicule
by the quality of your arguments. It's one thing to say that you're unhappy
because there are more .NET jobs than CF jobs. It's another thing to say
that this is because of specific features or lack thereof. Statements like
that need proof to be useful.
> I'm sorry if I offended people by saying we've been lulled to 
> sleep. Maybe I should've said we're being complacent instead. 
> And Macromedia *might* be too complacent about this whole 
> situation. SOME of Team MM seems to be at least. I think we 
> all need to see the big picture, and shoot higher than we 
> are. Maybe it's .NET sexiness right now, maybe it's not. But 
> even if it is, will it hurt to try and push CF? And figure 
> out EXACTLY why so many are moving to .NET right now?

Personally, I wasn't offended until you Godwinized the thread with your
absurd Nazi reference. But if you want to change people's minds about a
subject, you need to present rational arguments beyond "seeing the big
picture" and "shooting higher". So far, your arguments can be condensed to
"I'm having trouble finding work" and "Tim so-and-so said .NET is serious
programming and CF isn't." Honestly, what kind of response did you expect?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - New Atlanta

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