> From: Richard Meredith-Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> ldp returns an object's objectSid as
> S-1-5-21-85748401-1263151954-712603620-2180
> wheras CFLDAP returns it as something like Ò'.6d'ÁJ"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> anyone know how to decode this?  ToString() doesn't.
> (I assume objectSid is an Active Directory entry's UUID?)
> This is on CF 5.1

The object ID that is being returned always looks like 
S-1-5-21-85748401-1263151954-712603620-2180 (format wise)... The string 
Ò'.6d'ÁJ"[EMAIL PROTECTED] looks like the hashed password that is stored for 
the object (most likely a domain account password). If in fact it is the 
password field and it needs to be changed I believe you have to do that through 


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