> Please don't belittle my comments with such an offhand packaged 
> response.

Seriously, I'm not belittling you.  I've heard that phrase used so many times 
for so many situations, it's perhaps an indication to MM that they need to 
build in some more functionality, especially to keep up with the competition.

For instance, there was a post here about how slow string concatenation was in 
CF.  Someone suggested using Java's StringBuilder class.  Heck, I wouldn't mind 
if there was a way to create, say, a "superstring" in CF that would take care 
of that for you.  What's wrong with that?

> I am try to respond in a reasonable and considered manner. The least 
> you 
> could do is return the courtesy.
> What is it that makes you think that it is a crutch?

As I have already stated in my response to Ben, createObject is not a panacea.

> On the one hand you're berating CFML for it's lack of vision, and on 
> the 
> other you seem to be claiming that it's somehow cheating to use some 
> of 
> the very powerful things that CFMX makes available to you.

Not everything in Java or COM is usable in CFMX.

> I for one would be horrified if Macromedia decided to expose full 
> thread 
> management in CFML. Thread programming is relatively complex and you 
> can 
> easily tie the server in knots if you aren't careful.

Well, so is SQL, but there it is.  There are many ways to kill yourself with CF 
as it is, and I don't think adding thread capabilities is going to have people 
up in arms.  I don't want a product that requires mittens on my hands just in 
case I happen to type some code that'll blow up the server, as it were.

> The point is that all the power you need is available to CF as long as 
> you are prepared to accept that some things will need to be done in 
> Java. Macromedia try pretty hard to make sure that those things are 
> edge 
> cases and don't impact the majority of their customers.

I don't really consider some of these things edge cases.

Poor Will.  All he wanted was a better ColdFusion.

> If they didn't ColdFusion would have disappeared a long time ago.


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