I don't think XP Home comes with Internet Server, so I think you need Pro.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 12:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Running CF on XP Home?

After many, many moons its time to get rid of my home office PC, which
is actually my main development unit.  Got it on the day Win2k was
released, so its more than time to retire it.

I've stuck to Win2k on all of my other desktops and servers, but it
looks like I will finally have to go with XPee.  Is there any problem
with running CF MX on XP Home?  What does XP Pro give me?  I have the
standard-issue, fifty-buck Linksys 4-port internet router, and usually
interconnect with my laptop via a simple network cable (nothing in
between.  My hardware guy at the time said he needed to make a custom
cable to allow that to happen with just a wire).

Sorry for the dummy questions but I have been an o/s Luddite for quite
a while.  If I didn't have to change I'd still chug along.  Porting
over the software will be a couple days' work before I get it right, I

--Matt Robertson--
President, Janitor
MSB Designs, Inc.

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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