I don' think you can get those who passed and failed in the same query
using QofQ. Getting those who failed is easy:

<cfquery name="qOverall" dbtype="query">
WHERE pass = 'fail'

Then you can use your first query and CF to display passed and failed:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Jarrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 20 December 2004 12:51
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: OT: SQL
> Hi there,
> I am have a table with user id and grade SQL statement. THe Table is -
> userid | grade
> 1 | pass
> 1 | pass
> 1 | pass
> 2 | fail
> 2 | pass
> 3 | pass
> 4 | pass
> 4 | fail
> 5 | pass
> The output shows bascially whether the user has passed all courses. So
> user 1 would be an overall 'Pass' mark as all courses are completed.
> Yet user 2 would be an overall 'Fail' as he/she has one more course to
> pass.
> Oh and this is a QoQ that i have to do this in.
> Any help appreciated
> Regards
> Andy J
> www.andyjarrett.co.uk

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