> What I meant by depending is that while such behaviour isn't specified
> in the spec, it is available in a fair few browsers in their quirks
> mode, but not in their standards mode.

I think we're referring to two separate behaviors here. I was referring to
sizing relative to available area as opposed to the containing block.
Specifically, I was referring to its absence in standards mode, which I
think is unfortunate.

> Well, I was trying to show that he was trying to put in a screw with a
> hammer rather than a screwdriver: it might kinda work, but it's not the
> right way, seeing as his problem was really a positioning one rather
> than

I see what you're saying. However, I interpreted Isaac's original post as
blowing off steam. In other words, I think he was lamenting the fact that
CSS (at any level) does not support sizing relative to the available content
area. Isaac, let me know if I misunderstood this.

My question to you is, all other things being equal, do you really think
that fixed positioning is a better way to solve this problem than relative
sizing? One of the great things about HTML is that elements are allowed to
flow. Users can change their default font and size, disable images, etc.,
and the page just adapts.

Fixed positioning in general -- and your proposed solution specifically --
break this very badly. As a developer, I now have to know the exact pixel
size of every element on the page and position objects off the
top/bottom/left/right accordingly. Worse, I have to know these at design
time as opposed to runtime. 

I just don't understand how this can be considered an improvement?

> But what he's trying to do *is* positioning, not sizing.

Correction, what he's trying to accomplish is sizing relative to the
available content area. The only way to approximate it in CSS 2 compliant
browsers is to use fixed positioning. To my knowledge, there is no way to
accomplish it in CSS 1 compliant browsers (sans-html formatting).

> I know he's
> talking about sizing, but what I'm trying to get across is that *his*
> particular problem isn't with sizing, and not with the differences
> between the MS and W3C box models.
> And IE doesn't support fixed positioning, nor has it ever done so.

Uhg. Yes it does. Internet Explorer 6 supports CSS level 1 fixed
positioning. Earlier versions of IE also supported it, albeit with the
broken box model.

> Try
> the code below in IE6, Firefox, Opera, and any other browsers you can
> lay your hands on if you don't believe me.

You really need to qualify some of your statements. The code you posted uses
CSS level 2 fixed positioning. Specifically, the "bottom" and "right"
properties are part of the level 2 spec. Internet Explorer does not support
CSS level 2:


  "Building on top of the functionality of previous versions,
   Internet Explorer 6 now provides full support for CSS
   Level 1"

> And there only doing that because another strong contender appeared on the

> scene in their primary market. They *had* let it die, but now they're 
> resurrecting it.

Really? I've never seen anything official from Microsoft that said they were
discontinuing development of Internet Explorer. All the official stuff I've
seen simply said that they were not going to continue to develop Internet
Explorer as a separate product.

That said, the Internet Explorer team has apparently been reformed as an
entity separate from the Windows team. There is some talk about an Internet
Explorer 7 separate from the operating system. However, I haven't seen this
announced officially. If it's true, I would guess that this is in response
to competition from Firefox et al.

> And my argument is that he's attacking the problem with the wrong tools.
> Positioning is what he want. It's a pity IE just doesn't support it
> completely enough.

Fair enough, and I agree that it's a shame that Internet Explorer 6 does not
support CSS level 2. The standard is old enough that support for it could
have made it into Internet Explorer 6. Nevertheless, since Internet Explorer
is still the dominant browser, your solution isn't really practical.

For what it's worth, I agree that fixed positioning is the way to accomplish
what he's trying to accomplish in CSS 2 compliant browsers. It's
unfortunately, but it's true. 

Ben Rogers

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