> From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> We have a need to track Form Updates by users i.e. history of 
> updates to Forms.
> Once the user submits a from after validation, we want to 
> track the updates done.
> e.g.
> User A can change their Credit card info several times on a 
> Form, we need to Track those changes and any other agreements 
> they might have agreed to on the Form.
> Options.
> 1. Save the entire contents of the Form as *.htm/*.pdf files 
> or populate them in the DB.
> 2. Implement a complex DB Relational Structure to store the 
> content and data.
> Any other Ideas? Anybody else implemented something like this before?


I would recommend setting up a DB structure to take care of the
historical change data. I would first identify how many fields you need
to track. If it is just a couple then create a couple tables and use
triggers (depending upon DB platform and application load) to capture
when columns are updated or inserted. For example: I want to keep track
of what credit cards users use with their accounts. Assuming I did not
structure the DB to accommodate multiple accounts (CC) I would implement
something like this:



Add a trigger to the CC_NUMBER column in the USER table for 'insert' and
'update' and store the appropriate values. If your needs go beyond a
couple columns, you might consider a complete set of historical tables
that mimic your transactional tables. If you go this route, I would
evaluate application load to determine whether or not triggers are you
best bet or if programming the routines in code would yield better
results... I have done it both ways. 



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