I think that this subject was touched upon the other day.  And, I think 
that the answer was that you cannot interact with the user's print 


At 01:32 PM 1/6/2005, you wrote:
>How about this one. We have 3 printers here with one being our main printer
>and one with nicer color one and then we will soon have a little label
>printer. Everyone pretty much has their default printer set to the laser. So
>the question is - is there a method I could use to have a label printer on
>the label printer when the user hits the "print this label" button? With out
>them having to change or select a printer.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Scott Stroz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 11:53 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: Printing to label Printer in CF
>On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 08:34:35 -0800, Bryan Stevenson
> > I'm pretty sure I saw someone mention a few weeks back that there is an
> > Avery label specific CF tag in the Developers Exchange at MMs site.
> >
>Scott Stroz
>Some days you are the dog,
>Some days you are the tree.

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