
This should do it if you allow an empty string to be validated as a
number. If you don't allow empty strings, just test that the length is
greater than zero. This would be easier than writing the regexp to test
for that too.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 10 January 2005 20:43
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Regex Help.
> Hi All,
> Need some help with a regex.  What I'm trying to do is validate and
> input in javascript.
> The users are allowed to input a number.
> It can be in the following formats:
> 9
> 9.9
> 9.99
> .99
> .9
> (9 used inplace of any digit.)
> I tried using \b[0-9.]+  and I've tried \b[\d]*([.]?[\d]{0,2})? and
> tried  ([\d]*([.][\d]{1,2})?){1} but I can't seem to get the response
> that I want.
> The user can still input numbers such as 1.25.25 and it will pass the
> regex test.
> To be more specific in what I'm looking for, the users are putting in
> hours and partial hours.
> There can be any amount of hours, but partial hours are limited to .0,
> .00,.25, .5, .50, .75 or no decimal part whatsoever. (I've been trying
> to do the .25, .5, etc in another part of the javascript, but if I can
> do it in the regex even better.)
> Anybody got any ideas.
> Thanks
> Steve

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