I am spec-ing out software for a new windows 2003 CFMX server. I currently
use black ice server ($300) on my other servers for its packet inspecting. I
like many of its features like Buffer overflow attempt monitoring/blocking,
Repeated FTP login attempt monitoring/blocking, Port scan
monitoring/blocking etc... Sadly according to the sales rep for IIS.net they
are discontinuing  black ice. The replacement product is about the same
price of the new dell rackmonut server we would put it on. I fear the new
product is a few $1000 out of our price range.
What do the rest of you use for software firewall / packet inspection? 
FYI, The servers are also behind a Cisco pix firewall. I state this just to
preemptively answer the question.
Info on Black Ice server can be found at:
Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
  www.vividmedia.com <http://www.vividmedia.com/> 

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