I'm trying to track down a serious bug on our website, which is really 
starting to annoy me.

Basic rundown:  We have two servers, a development server and a 
production server.  The directory structure is identical in both servers 
(with the exception of some permissions issues which should not be 

In both servers, there is a form called something like:


In page1.cfm, there is a form which calls, as its action, page2.cfm. 
Page2.cfm does not exist on either server.

So why should the form work on the development server and not the 
production server?  Why should it work at all?  There *is* a page to 
process the form, called formDo.cfm, but page2.cfm doesn't exist.

Worse, when I view the source on the processed form after the form has 
been submitted, the page name is given as page2.cfm, in the same 
directory as page1.cfm.  The form tag simply refers to page2.cfm, with 
no directory structure.

I hope I've made this dilemma clear.  It's really confusing, especially 
since the developer only tested on the development server and not the 
production server, so the problem wasn't caught until after we went live.

Thoughts?  Solutions?  Sympathy?

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group (http://unexdlc.ucdavis.edu)
2901 K Street, Suite 200C
Sacramento, CA  95816

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