RDS can use whatever port you define for the web site that serves it and in
the properties of each defined RDS server on the clients. That port does
need to be open in both directions between client and server. Can the
clients bring up a telnet connection to the server on that port? (That'd be
80 if you haven't changed it, maybe 8500 if you're using the built-in MX
server w its defaults.)

Dave Merrill

> RDS uses an HTTP port (80 as far as I'm aware) and routes itself through
> IIS (This is proven when you stop the IIS site with CFIDE in it and RDS
> stops working).
> What you could try is setting up another IP address or domain name (e.g.
> mxbox.myserver.com) and have IIS resolve it, but ONLY allow MX to
> integrate with it by removing all CF5 application configuration (in
> IIS). In homesite or whatever, connect to the new domain name rather
> than the IP of the server. You'll also have to make a virtual directory
> to the MX CFIDE folder too. It ight work.. It might not..
> Does that make sense ?
> Martin Parry
> Macromedia Certified Developer
> http://www.BeetrootStreet.co.uk

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