> Regarding serial numbers, it's your choice as to whether or not you
> include it when you compile the application. If you're selling a
> product to another company/customer, you would not include the serial
> number, as they would need their own serial number for their own
> servers. However, if you're simply moving the EAR/WAR file from one
> server in your setup to another, and you already have the serial
> number needed on the target server (the server you will be deploying
> the EAR/WAR file on), then you can plug it in up front so that you
> don't have to include the CF Administrator (or use the Admin API CFCs
> to programmatically set it).

This all makes sense, except, why would the customer, having purchased a
full copy of ColdFusion Enterpirse, want a crippled installation of
ColdFusion Enterprise (i.e. sans the ColdFusion Administrator)?

> As for the license, it only applies to the server to which the EAR/WAR
> file is being deployed to -- it has nothing to do with your files. So
> if the server you're moving to is a 2-CPU server, you'll need to
> purchase a CFMX Enterprise license for a 2-CPU server to be in license
> compliance. Further, since the license is for the physical server (and
> the CPU licensing is for each *physical* CPU, not virtual CPUs, by the
> way), you can deploy any number of instances/applications on that
> server; you are not restricted in any way on that front.

I'm still having trouble seeing a use for EAR/WAR file deployment. Can you
package your application up as an EAR/WAR file without ColdFusion (i.e for
deployment on a running instance of ColdFusion)? Or, is ColdFusion always
included in EAR/WAR file?

Ben Rogers

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