This is really splitting hairs here, but I thought I would point this out
anyway.  A hardware firewall is a computer type thing, running software.
Regardless if it is a Cisco PIX or a linksys wireless router. But given the
choice I would go with hardware.

It may also be good to point out that both have pros and cons.  If the
hardware firewall is running then it is working for the most part. It is
possible that a software firewall could crash and your server still keep
running unprotected. 

Software firewalls can be updated to block newer attacks and packet filter
rules in a similar way as a antivirus program is updated.

I personally run both a hardware firewall (Cisco PIX) provided by the Co-loc
provider we use and a Software firewall.

I have been using black ice for the software firewall but, now we are
switching over to Tiny firewall 6 server. Or so that is the current plan.  

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Dawson, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 11:03 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Firewall question

IMO, hardware is always more secure than software. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Ousterhout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 10:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Firewall question

Which is more secure:  Running your firewall on the NT 2003 Server or
running it on a router?


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