I've installed CF 7 on OS X but I can't seem to get the CFIDE working when I
change the document root.

In my jrun-web.xml, I've set the context-root to / and set up the following


Everything is working fine and CF is serving pages as expected. I then tried
adding a virtual-mapping for the CFIDE:


This didn't work. Browser was giving me a 404 error and the Jrun log file

error Requested resource '/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm'
(%2fCFIDE%2fadministrator%2findex.cfm) not found

I then found this technote
(http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19400) and
tried moving the CFIDE to the new document root as it says to do. Of course
that doesn't work either - same error.

Has anyone been able to accomplish this?
Chris Kief
Mindflood, Inc.
714.557.2488 x211


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