A collage of responses follow:

 > surrounding the CFMX6.0 install routines.  No such luck.    There is
 > no documentation anywhere telling us what to do if the installation
 > doesn't go perfectly.

ColdFusion MX 7: Common installation problems (watch the wrap)

Enable logging for CFMX installation

Macromedia - Installation Support by Email

 > And nowhere does it say that CFMX7 wont work
 > with IIS5.1, the currently installed IIS with WinXPPro.

The System Requirements list what is supported, rather than what is not 
supported.  Windows XP is supported.

 > If I have to manually do one part of the installation (without any
 > documentation to tell me how by the way!!!!) ...

Manually configuring the web server connector for ColdFusion MX
http://www.macromedia.com/go/tn_19575 (works with CFMX7, too)

 > I dont know enough about what's going on under the hood to do it
 > manually with no documentation, no checklist and no instructions.

Checklist: Gathering information necessary to install ColdFusion MX 7

 > Where are the Macromedia support pages to help people like me who
 > can't seem to muster the intelligence to install an application

Docs http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/7/index.html
FAQ http://www.macromedia.com/software/coldfusion/productinfo/faq/
Technotes http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/installation.html

 > see if they can shed any light on what's wrong?   Or give me the
 > Australian number where I get support between 9pm and 2am?

(415) 252-9080.  They usually don't care if you call this from overseas, 
and I sometimes get calls from Europe to South Africa, and yes to 
Australia.  This support page says, "APAC: Available US hours only. 
Monday through Friday, 8 am-8 pm, Eastern time zone."   APAC support 
hours are roughly equivlant to 12a-12n for eastern Australia. 
Overlapping business hours are 8a-12n your time. Your 9p-2a requirement 
is roughly equal to 5a-10a eastern time in the US.  That provides 2 
hours right there, maybe less, depending.  Looking at the timestamp on 
your email posts it appears that  your are seeking support on CFTalk 
between 6am and 6pm US eastern time.

 > [C] ... MM clearly have an issue that they need to
 > address, even if only through help documentation, and if I just shut
 > up and forget it, it's not going to get fixed.

See the links above

 > And not only am I not demanding things of Sean, I am most grateful
 > that he said anything.   But he offered to pass it on to the
 > installation guys.  Sean did that himself off his own bat.  I didnt
 > even know there was a team called "the installation guys".

There is no team called "the installation guys".  There is, however, 
Macromedia ColdFusion Support, of mixed gender, too.

 > MM in Australia dont have help for people like me.


 > Sorry if you dont like it, but that's how it is.  Now that i've made a
 > start on installing CF7, I am forced to continue or throw CF7 out
 > entirely.   As so many people have pointed out to me, lots of others
 > have CF7 working fine on a setup like mine, so all I want to do is
 > figure out why mine isnt..

I'd be willing to do a (free) Breeze Live desktop sharing session with 
you.  Provide a list of time windows in a private reply and I'll let you 
know if any of them work for me.

-Steven Erat
Macromedia Support

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