If I am not mistaken in that is a new feature in MySql 4.1. We just dealt
with this issue for a client that wanted to run their CFMX/MSSQL site on a
Mac Blue Dragon/MySQL server. If I recall correctly in 4.1 you can control
how the  auto-populated date field works.  We have two date fields in each
table, recorddate and recordupdateddate.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Pro/Con Moving from MSSQL to MySQL

Another point to consider is in MySQL you can not use A default date field
to be auto-populated as you can in MS-SQL using the NOW() function.

I had to modify my code to accommodate that function.
But for the most part I rather enjoy MySQL.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Paul Ashenfelter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Pro/Con Moving from MSSQL to MySQL

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:04:22 -0600, Mark W. Breneman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We are in the early stages of *thinking* about moving away from MS SQL

> server and moving to MySQL. Can anyone give me a quick pro / con 
> points for doing this or not doing this?

I'm a big MySQL fan, and a long-time MS-SQL developer/admin so I've done a
lot of work stradling both camps. I'd give you one fundamental piece of

Don't do it just because MySQL is "free" (as in beer)

Yeah, there's an order of magnitude difference in cost (MS-SQL unlimited is
5k/proc; MySQL is 500/server if you license it, which is optional for most
folks). But unless you're running *lots* of processors, the savings are

Pros/cons are a little hard to do unless without reference to specific
needs, but based on the scenario you have below (lots of read, little
write) MyISAM tables are probably faster than MS-SQL, and you can run the
app on more operating systems. And it's cheaper on the backup and staging
side since you don't have to pay MS rates for those licenses.

> We have about 60 Databases set up on on a server that gets low 
> traffic. Few thousand users per day. Mostly we use the database as a 
> data storage. We have only a few stored procedures that probably 
> really don't need to be Stored Procedures. The heaviest load we ever 
> put on the SQL server is a few report admin pages where we use SQL to 
> sum and count various stats about the users answers.

MySQL is plenty powerful enough, though it benefits a lot more from tuning
than MS-SQL does in my experience -- both of those tools provide similar
*query* tuning options, but MySQL has hundreds of options that can be
tweaked to provider fine-grained control on tuning the server while MS-SQL
basically does a lot of self-tuning.
> I know that we will have to rewrite anything that we have used MSSQL 
> functions and MSSQL SQL commands.

Less than you think needs rewritten -- MySQL has lots of common MS-SQL (and
Oracle, etc) commands built-in or aliased to the native MySQL functions. The
only difference in very common SQL off the top of my head is the
non-standard way Microsoft does queries with a rowlimit -- MySQL uses SELECT
xxxxxx LIMIT N etc instead of SELECT TOP N xxxxxx like MS-SQL.

John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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