On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 23:49:00 +1100, Mike Kear wrote:
> ...you'll all be as
> relieved as I am to learn that my CF7 is now going!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Mike!

> I decided with some help (detailed below) that the problem wasn't the
> CFMX7 installer but windows,  ... I
> installed using the built-in web server, and BINGO! - a working
> installation.
> ...
> *  When the installer fails, there is never an indication as to why it
> fails.  I think there ought to be.
> ...
> * Despite all the assurances, there does appear to be issues with the
> installer and IIS5.1.  Yes, a great many people have installed it
> successfully with IIS, but also quite a few, such as myself and others
> who have written to me who DO have problems with IIS.
> ...
> Anyway, its done now, and i'm now running on the built-in web server.

Your report tells me that the CFMX 7 installer *worked correctly* but
the webserver configuration tool wsconfig did not work.  You initially
installed CF and seleced the option to configure an external webserver
all in one.  The installer worked, but since wsconfig failed you
weren't able to get into the ColdFusion Administrator to complete the
Setup Wizard.   Not being able to open the CFAdmin as the installer
tells you is enough to convince most people that the *whole
installation* failed, which it did not.

At that time when it appeared that CFMX7 was not installed, if you
would have searched the directory tree you would have found the
jrun.xml configuration file.  There you could have found the
"WebService" section and set disabled to false, and then once CF was
restarted it would have been running on the built in webserver port
and still would be listening on the JRun Proxy Port for connections
from IIS.  This is all documented in numerous locations, and this is
one of the first things we have customers try when they claim that
ColdFusion MX did not install properly.

On the topic of documentation, CFMX 7 is built upon the stable base of
CFMX 6.1 but has all the new bells whistles and features that Damon
and his crew worked so hard on.  However, this means that nearly all
the CFMX 6.1 documentation can be applied to CFMX 7 installations. 
When I referred you to a CFMX 6.1 doc earlier this week I understood
that this was a common understanding.  In fact, while the CFMX7
wsconfig tool has been improved from CFMX6.1, I would speculate that
nearly 95%+ of the old docs apply to the current wsconfig version. If
nothing else, the CFMX 6.1 docs would give you a good place to start
if the equivalent doc for CFMX 7 hasn't been published.

Utimately, I think that your Windows server was blocking one of the
ports used by wsconfig when it attempted to configure IIS.  In fact, I
would bet that even now with your *working* installation that if you
ran wsconfig it would probably not permit you to connect to IIS.  More
than likely, you have a firewall blocking wsconfig such as Windows XP
SP2 firewall, Zone Alarm, MacAfee, or Norton.  I have a blog entry,
listed below, that shows how wsconfig will attempt to connect to the
JNDI port (often 2901) and then will also try to connect to JRun on an
variable port that is not defined in any configuration file and will
vary.   So even if you could start the ColdFusion process and use
netstat to see that the JNDI port was active and then you confirmed
that you could connect by telnet to the port (telnet localhost 2901),
even then if this other unpredictable port were being blocked then
wsconfig would fail.

On the topic of warnings or other notifications that the wsconfig
didn't work right, using the wsconfig -v option would have presented
you with an error and a short list of possible reasons for why it
didn't work.   Understanding wsconfig is part of the skillset involved
in being an Administrator for a ColdFusion MX server.

So I strongly suspect that your CFMX 7 server was in fact installed,
but not properly hooked up to IIS.  Being able to confirm or reject
that important distinction goes a long way towards recruiting help
from others.

Related info (watch the wrap):


Wishing you continued success,
Steven Erat

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