Hello All,

My developer and I are working on a CMS for various clients.  Our clients keep 
coming up with new requirements as the project grow or change.  We are not 
having any issues meeting these requirement for new functionality on the 
website.  But in my opinion we are not achieving an elegant and easy to use 
interface.  As I review the interfaces I am finding that they are very 
configurable, very scalable yet I feel that they are written for programmers or 
people of a technical background which kind of defeats the purpose of creating 
a CMS in the first place.  I am sure that many people on this have faced the 
same issue.  Can any one suggest a good resource for making easy to understand 
user interfaces, books, sites anything.  

BTW if anyone feels that they are an expert in this field I am also open to 
paying for Consulting in this matter.



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