> You mention the cookie...there does appear to be one being set..
> extracted from header:
> "private Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=bifpcg2ritgn1v45o4y45ovo;"
> I see my response above was a bit off...
> I works if I go to the final URL (the one pointed to by the 
> re-direct) in my browser....but not when I run my CFM file 
> (which also points directly to the final URL)
> BTW...how would I send along the cookie?

You would have to read it from the first HTTP response, using
CFHTTP.ResponseHeader or CFHTTP.Header, then send it along in the next
request using CFHTTPPARAM. Now, while CFHTTPPARAM allows you to set
TYPE="COOKIE", this may not work for you since it URL-encodes cookie values,
which may break your cookie. Instead, you might use TYPE="HEADER", then
specify a name of "Cookie" and the value of the cookie for the CFHTTPPARAM
value. I ran into this exact problem when using CFMX to talk to a Breeze
server through the Breeze XML API.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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