I am having a problem on one of my sites with the verity search.  I need to
search a verity collection and retrieve all products that contain any part
of the part number. I.e. A search for Q12345 should return part numbers
12345, A12345-B, Q123... Etc   The same search criteria is also used in a
verity "simple"  description search. Both of these CFsearches are then
output to the webpage. 
The problem comes in when someone enters a reserved word in the search box
like "book end"  "End" is a word verity chokes on when doing an explicit
I am about to dump the verity search part of the part number and replace it
with a SQL partnumber like "%criteria%" query. (Yes, I will have to take
steps to make sure SQL injection is not an issue.)
Any thoughts? 
Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
  www.vividmedia.com <http://www.vividmedia.com/> 

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