I'm trying to figure out how to create my previous/next paging with this 
cfoutput query. It's usually straightforward with a standard cfoutput that uses 
a recordcount, but I'm using my own counter because of the grouped output. Any 
ideas on how I'd get started?


 <cfset ctr=0>
          <table width="90%" align="left" cellpadding="6">
                 <cfoutput query="getprodsbycategory" group="prodmodelcode"> 
                  <cfset ctr=ctr + 1>
            <td height="90" bgcolor="##000000"> 
                          <div align="center"><a 
src="productimages/medium_#getprodsbycategory.imagename#" alt="Click for 
details" width="#variables.imgwidth#" height="#variables.imgheight#" border="0" 
                          <br /> 
                                          <br />
                                      <span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, 
Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; 
  <cfif ctr MOD 3 EQ 0>

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