
While I haven't tried merging CFMX 7 and Flex 1.5 into the same war, I
did write Flex technote 19258 on merging the Flex 1.0 Samples server
with CFMX 6.1, so I think I'm qualified to take a stab here.  I wrote
that last year at the same time as the other person was writing the
article you refer to, but I wasn't aware of the other article then, so
you might want to take a look at 19258 to see if my instructions are
more useful or not.   Frankly, I haven't looked at it since last year,
but if you have problems let me know.

To address the more current configuration, Flex 1.5 and CFMX 7, my
first question would be:  Why would you want to merge them?

CFMX 6.1 did not have the Flash Forms, so some folks thought it might
be useful to merge Flex with CF to get Flash Forms the hard way. 
Since CFMX 7 has Flash Forms, and Flash Paper generation, I don't see
a reason to go though the trouble.

Not to mention, its very easy to write bad code unintionally when
building Flex MXML widgets embedded in CFML code.  If the resultant
MXML changes as per branching logic at runtime,  you'd be recompiling
the swf output every time the runtime logic varies, a very expensive

On the other hand, if you just want to run the Flex war and the
ColdFusion war on the same JRun server instance, then no problem.  For
example, using an existing CFMX 7 Multiserver config installation with
a cfusion instance, copy the extracted flex war to the cfusion-ear
directory.  Then edit cfusion-ear/META-INF/application.xml.  There
copy the whole module node and paste the copy right below the original
module node.  In the second module node, edit the web-uri to be the
directory name of the flex war (such as flex or flex-war), then edit
context-root where it must be different than the cfusion-war context
root which defaults to '/'.  Save application.xml.  When you start the
cfusion server you will now see "Deploying web application Macromedia
ColdFusion MX..." and then right below it, "Deploying web application
Flex Web Application...".  You can access ColdFusion pages through the
/ context root, and Flex through the "/flex" context root.  Note that
if you happen to have a directory in the cfusion-war named "flex" you
won't be able to serve pages from it since the URL pattern for /flex
will always be mapped to Flex not CF.

-Steven Erat

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:20:16 -0600, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to merge Flex 1.5 and CFMX7 on JRun and
> I'm just not having any luck.  I tried the Macromedia tech note for
> merging Flex 1 and CFMX 6.1, and it wouldn't work (CFMX wouldn't even
> start until I restored the original web.xml file).
> Basically what I'm trying to do is install Flex 1.5, then install
> CFMX7 Enterprise on the JRun configuration.  Once CF is installed, CF
> runs like normal and I can log in to the JRun admin with no problems,
> I just have no idea exactly how to deploy the Flex 1.5 WAR file into
> the "cfusion" JRun server instance so that they'll play nice.  I've
> tried a few things, but when I go to test a .cfm page that contains a
> <cfimport taglib="WEB-INF/lib/flex-bootstrap.jar" prefix="mm">, I get
> a JRun "500 null" error.  I'm trying the example code on Ben's blog
> at:
> Any ideas?
>  - Matt

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