See answers inserted, below.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Calvin Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 6:59 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Is BlueDragon.NET the greatest thing since sliced bread?
> Vince, 
> Are you saying that .NET performs better than all J2EE 
> implementation? What exactly do you mean by performance?

There's no "all" or "always" when it comes to performance. The only honest
answer anyone can ever give to the question of performance is, "it depends
on your application." However, based on internal benchmarks that we've done,
and benchmarks of "real world" applications done by several lead customers
of BD.NET, we believe that CFML applications deployed on BD.NET will
generally out-perform the same CFML deployed on Java/J2EE-based CFML
servers. This is especially true for Windows 2003 Server--versus Windows
2000--due to the high level of integration among the .NET Framework, IIS
6.0, and Windows 2003 Server. This is also especially true for multi-CPU
servers. (Again, I'm comparing Java/J2EE-on-Windows versus .NET-on-Windows;
this is not a Windows-versus-Linux debate).

Our performance testing measured the typical parameters you'd expect to
measure: requests per second, request processing time (time-to-first-byte,
time-to-last-byte), and CPU utilization. All were generally better on BD.NET
(higher requests per second, lower request processing time, lower CPU
utilization). We hope to have some real-world case studies of BD.NET
customers to present at CFUNITED-05.

The only way to know if your application will perform better on BD.NET is to
test it yourself. If you (or anyone else) is serious about performance
testing your application on BD.NET, we'll be happy to help. There are some
configuration settings in ASP.NET that can have a dramatic impact on
performance, and we can help tune these for your application.

> While I know that Microsoft has come a long way in terms of 
> reliability, how does that compare to Websphere, etc.?

There are some specific new features in IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET on Windows 2003
related to web application isolation, process isolation, failure detection
and recovery, and process recycling that are unique and have no equivalents
in the Java/J2EE world. These are the things I'll talk about most during my
CFUNITED-05 presentation.

> What value does platform integration with .NET provide over a 
> J2EE implementation?

If you see the value of ASP.NET, then the value of integrating CFML with
ASP.NET is obvious. If you're interested in learning more, then I'd suggest
Charlie's presentation and some of the ASP.NET presentations at CFUNITED-05.
> Is it truly faster to develop with CFML + 
> HomeSite/DW/CFEclipse over .NET + Visual Studio?

I don't know. I've never made this claim, and don't know how you'd measure
such a thing. Personally, I do all of my CFML coding using CFEclipse,
whether that CFML is targeted for BD/J2EE or BD.NET. It's just CFML, so you
can use whatever tools you currently use to write CFML to target BD.NET (or
any edition of BlueDragon).

I tend to prefer the free Web Matrix tool over Visual Studio for developing
ASP.NET pages:

I've also heard that Dreamweaver has excellent support for ASP.NET, though
I've never used it myself. There's also an editor called PrimalCode that
supports both CFML and ASP.NET:

So there's no reason at all to think you're forced to change your
development tools or use Visual Studio when developing for BlueDragon.NET.

> Thanks,
> Calvin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vince Bonfanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 9:50 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Is BlueDragon.NET the greatest thing since sliced bread?
> Excellent question. I'm giving a talk at CFUNITED-05 
> entitled, "CFML on Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0: the .NET 
> Advantage" on this specific topic.
> This talk will discuss the advantages of .NET versus 
> Java/J2EE on Windows (it assumes you're already running 
> Windows--this is not a Windows vs. Linux talk).
> In short, there are three main reasons to choose a .NET-based 
> CFML server over a Java/J2EE-based CFML server when running 
> on Windows: performance and reliability (which I cover in my 
> talk), and platform integration with ASP.NET and the .NET Framework.
> For more on ASP.NET integration, Charlie Arehart is following 
> with a talk entitled, "Integrating CFML and ASP.NET Server 
> Controls." Of course, Charlie and I will be posting much of 
> the information from these sessions on our respective blogs, 
> and I assume the session material will be on the
> CFUNITED-05 web site after the conference is over.
> I guess while I'm plugging both CFUNITED-05 and BlueDragon 
> (is this still on-topic?), for those more interested in free 
> software--Linux, MySQL, Apache--Dave Epler is giving a talk 
> entitled, "LAMBDA Boxes: ColdFusion Apps on the Cheap," which 
> highlights the aforementioned open source products and the 
> free BlueDragon Server (LAMBDA stands for Linux, Apache, 
> MySQL, BlueDragon).
> For more info on these and all the CFUNITED-05 sessions, see:
> If you haven't yet made plans to attend CFUNITED, you really 
> should (and, yes, there's going to be a lot of great speakers 
> and sessions about CFMX 7, too--it's not a BlueDragon show).
> Vince Bonfanti
> New Atlanta Communications, LLC
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Calvin Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 8:30 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: Is BlueDragon.NET the greatest thing since 
> sliced bread?
> > 
> > So that this thread does become somewhat topical, here's a real 
> > question about it.
> > 
> > What specific value does deploying on .NET over J2EE bring 
> to a CFML 
> > application? And how does that apply to real world needs?
> > 
> > - Calvin
> >

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