>Why would you drive on the right side of the road? I can give many reasons
>why you should drive on the left side of the road, but that aside, how does
>one drive in England? On the left side of the road.

Major Red Herring. 

That said, the justification for naming tables using singular
>entity names is that the tables represent collections of singular entities.

Exactly my point. The tables represent *collections*. Plural. 

>Let's say you have a set of products. You want to describe them within a
>table, so you name it "product". You can then talk about how you have a
>many-to-many relationship between "product" and "category", which makes more
>sense than using the plural in that a single product is what has the
>relationship to a given category, not the entire set of products. But again,
>it really doesn't make any difference, as long as you're consistent -
>there's nothing more annoying than having a database with some tables using
>singular names and others using plural names.

Understood. Thanks!  
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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